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General Information


General Choi Hong Hi

November 9th, 1918 - June 15th, 2002


What is Taekwon-Do?

Taekwon-Do is a martial art developed in the 1940's by General Choi Hong Hi and named on April 11th1955, in Seoul, Korea.  Literally, “Tae” means to kick or smash with the foot, “Kwon” means to punch or destroy with the hand, and “Do” means the art or way.

As a martial art Taekwon-Do encompasses both the physical and mental in its training.  Physically, one of Taekwon-Do’s goals is excellent physical conditioning, involving cardio training, stretching, hand and foot technique, original Chang Hun patterns, sparring and self defence.  Mentally, Taekwon-Do provides the practitioner with the tools to learn about themselves, personal challenge, build self confidence, teamwork and relieve stress.  In all Taekwon-Do promotes a better and healthier lifestyle, strengthens bonds within the family, creates lasting friendships and reinforces the moral values of society.


Student Oath

I shall observe the tenets of Taekwon-Do.

I shall respect my instructors and seniors.

I shall never misuse Taekwon-Do. 

I shall be a champion of freedom and justice.

I shall build a more peaceful world.


Tenets of Taekwon-Do




Self Control

Indomitable Spirit



Philosophy of Taekwon-Do

• Taekwon-Do is a martial art with increased emphasis on the traditional core values and protocol.

• Taekwon-Do is a sport which should encourage students to participate in competition to challenge their self defence skills in a controlled and fun event.  Many life long friends are made at competitions.

• Taekwon-Do is a way of life which is known as the “Do”.  This involves learning about moral culture as well as living by the Student Oath and the Tenets of Taekwon-Do.  In learning about the mental and spiritual aspects of Taekwon-Do, we understand the “why”, not only the “how”.  This will also enable us to achieve a balanced life and happiness.  

• Taekwon-Do is a tool for social development which can be a powerful tool to help deal with some of our world’s social problems by helping develop structure, discipline and self-confidence that carry over into all aspects of life.

The philosophy of Taekwon-Do can be summed up by the last two phrases in the Student Oath: 

I shall be a champion of freedom and justice.

I shall build a more peaceful world.

 By practicing Taekwon-Do and living according to its fundamental values, we can become good citizens and be able to create a better world.


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